
prep, tents and (small) injuryes

prep   so, ive started to get my gear together. the gear list is still in the side bar, and those items i alreadty posses are getting gathered together. this will likely still take some time. ive got dig artound for my compass, for example. ive also allocated next saturday for picking up cookign gear, maybe a plate, utelses etc. im being given some cash, but i belive next sat is the only free day between now and leaving. it also means doing checks on my gear that i do have. i still need to check the sleepign bag, but i put the tent up ah, yes, the tent   so, the tent. the tent has all the polls, pegs etc. putting it up i realised how cheap it is. its a single walled tent and i am not 100% sure how well it will fair. still, im going through litarly some of the hottest weeks of a typical year, so i dont think i'll need to test this   what the tent dose lack hwoever, is a perice of fabric to cover the vent holes at the top. my sister, who runs the amazing unwound bobbin has...

still working up, gear, time, camp sites

physical prep    this weekend is the first where ive not done any walking (i had a denstists appointment". there are now three? weeks or so till i go. i did however walk from banstead to work, a walk begtween 4 and 5 miles by my recogning. its also very pritty, and there will be pictures at the bottem   kits - continued so, i still need to go in to the loft, or whever, and find the tent. and also check out the sleepign bag ive got. and figure out if i want a sleeping pad (as thats extra weight and mass to packs up and stow...somewhere?). ive also been looking at gear and considering getting some. utlises, cookign gear, how big a gas cilider to get. ready meals. should i get a kettle? i feel that last ones a no, but still...   as part of getting the gear all together, i will need to properbly lay it all out in one place, and then pack it together. i am still unsure ive covered all my bases. foodwise, i need to get snack bars to experement with, and cuppa soups too. ...

knife fights and work up (3???)

  knife fights so in an ealrer version of the geer (see last post) i had a knife after someone said that was a good idea. but they were american and may have been thinkign about fighting racoons. so i took it off. sept now ive realised i proberbly need a knife, and a chopping board. becous i do infact plan to take food i might need to cut up.    i dont know about the whats and werefors. im thinking of getting somethign small, specificly for this, and keeping it mid to bottem pack so its not somethiing "on me". for the perpose of not getting, you know, arrested   work up   is this two or three? this is the third time ive spoken about walks but i think its the second. anyway, the shoes are still braking in but are more comhprotuble. the last walk (on friday) was a little under 8 miles and took about 4-5 hours, including brakes, which is a little worrying. im going to go againt tomorrow. i had planned to go today but i wanted to do some chores and honestly walking ...

Shoes, Food and Tools

 work up continues. ive got a gear list, some food ideas, and some plans and some questions.  shoes first up is shoes. i was planning to walk in trainers (What ive got) but i was gifted a pair of new walking shoes. i did my last big walk (more on below) in them. they killed my feet. i dont know if its the route, or the shoes, but my feet came out more sore and my limbs came out more sore too. it took more out of me. is this normal? gear so ive started putting together a gear list, and any thoughts i appreciate. there are some difficult things. the budget for this is all very small, which means getting the bits will require some priotitistion and planning. i will also need to see how much ic an pack and carry. this carries over in to clothes, which ive started to think about. in particular how to handle dirty clothes and changing clothes. some people have expressed an intrest in joining me for a leg, and if you would like too, let me know, as ive come up with the invotive pla...