prep, tents and (small) injuryes



so, ive started to get my gear together. the gear list is still in the side bar, and those items i alreadty posses are getting gathered together. this will likely still take some time. ive got dig artound for my compass, for example. ive also allocated next saturday for picking up cookign gear, maybe a plate, utelses etc. im being given some cash, but i belive next sat is the only free day between now and leaving. it also means doing checks on my gear that i do have. i still need to check the sleepign bag, but i put the tent up

ah, yes, the tent


so, the tent. the tent has all the polls, pegs etc. putting it up i realised how cheap it is. its a single walled tent and i am not 100% sure how well it will fair. still, im going through litarly some of the hottest weeks of a typical year, so i dont think i'll need to test this


what the tent dose lack hwoever, is a perice of fabric to cover the vent holes at the top. my sister, who runs the amazing unwound bobbin has, very kindly, and with much less notice then i felt i was giving, arranged to fabricate a new thing. i did, honestly, think i had given her more time beofre she pointed out that, no, it was about a week. despite the unresonbleness of this demand, she is ording fabric and with luck i'll have it. if i dont, then i dont and we emprrives!



following my trip to the densits and subsquent walk to work (4 miles, see the last post, or dont) ive done something to both legs. these things dont seem series. one leg has a sore foot for the first 3 or 4 steps after i start walking, after which it goes. the left leg is fine exsept soemtimes when getting up? it feel slike a pulled mussle. due to both of these, i havent under taken any big walks. i now dont have time to do any addtional work up with the gear buy. i do feel very comphortubl eiwht my limits. i tend to walk 3 miles an hour, but taking brakes when i need to put me at 2 miles an hour. even the longest leg wont take more then 8 hours, and i itend to leave most camp sites by 10am

bonus: food


food still continues. i got some cerial bars i like and will be stocking up piror to leaving. ive not tried any dry powder pasta sauces. i need to by a cheap pill case to use as a spice holder. im going to go through the scouts cook book for any extra things. any surgestions appricated, and there is a sheet on the kit list for food. 


its a shame i dont like penut butter, as this is the trail food of choice. but ive swapped it with jam (this is a non squiotr no i will not appolgise)

no pictures, as ive done no walks!


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