Shoes, Food and Tools
work up continues. ive got a gear list, some food ideas, and some plans and some questions.
first up is shoes. i was planning to walk in trainers (What ive got) but i was gifted a pair of new walking shoes. i did my last big walk (more on below) in them. they killed my feet. i dont know if its the route, or the shoes, but my feet came out more sore and my limbs came out more sore too. it took more out of me. is this normal?
so ive started putting together a gear list, and any thoughts i appreciate. there are some difficult things. the budget for this is all very small, which means getting the bits will require some priotitistion and planning. i will also need to see how much ic an pack and carry. this carries over in to clothes, which ive started to think about. in particular how to handle dirty clothes and changing clothes. some people have expressed an intrest in joining me for a leg, and if you would like too, let me know, as ive come up with the invotive plan of getting people to bring and take clothes XD (in fairness, this isnt new, as i know poeple who do proper through hikes of places like the APT often send packages of surplies ahead).
i am also unsure of the kind of clothes i want to take. i want be comhprotuble in both a psycial and emtional sence. i feel like practical ember would jeans and tshirts it, but i dont achuly want to do that. im planning some of my more chill remaining t shirts, and maybe leggings and a skirt for the bottem? this seems very silly but...
food is proving hard too. alot of walking staples like pennut butter are out, and other ideas ive seen are thing ive not tried, or are questinable. again for the budget, im going with super market food, so pasta with sauces made from powder, chrizo, rice, a home made spice mix, cuppa soups, jam and torlitas. the list below is also on the spreadsheets at the side
im unsure of how much to bring, but as im not dispparing in to the wilderness, and reach oxford by day 3, i dont know that i need to bring huge huge quanitys. again any thoughts appreciated :)
this ones informal. the legs, at least, are decieded and can be found on the side by. the route is basicly stick as close to the river as possible. the big mystry are stop points, and try to figure that out. ive found i think enough camp sites between start and oxford to solve that leg at least. i need to update the sheet. but the rest remain on the todo list...
last walk
follwoing my last walk i got sent some routes by people. this week i chose to walk the river wandle from where i am (carshalton) to...basicly six miles? i turned back at 5. my feet were killing me and i was so tired. i dont usualy feel quite so tired when doing the beddington loop, and i took more rests during it, so im nto sure why i felt so much worse? im blaiming the shoes but i dotn think thats nessercerly right. any thoughts appreicate
next walk
next walk is going to be...well i dont know where, but i plan to do it tomorrow. so if you want to come with for any of it let me know. im probw gonna do the beddington loop in the new shoes, and then try the wandle again.
last walks pictures
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