prep, tents and (small) injuryes
prep so, ive started to get my gear together. the gear list is still in the side bar, and those items i alreadty posses are getting gathered together. this will likely still take some time. ive got dig artound for my compass, for example. ive also allocated next saturday for picking up cookign gear, maybe a plate, utelses etc. im being given some cash, but i belive next sat is the only free day between now and leaving. it also means doing checks on my gear that i do have. i still need to check the sleepign bag, but i put the tent up ah, yes, the tent so, the tent. the tent has all the polls, pegs etc. putting it up i realised how cheap it is. its a single walled tent and i am not 100% sure how well it will fair. still, im going through litarly some of the hottest weeks of a typical year, so i dont think i'll need to test this what the tent dose lack hwoever, is a perice of fabric to cover the vent holes at the top. my sister, who runs the amazing unwound bobbin has...